Investment Committee
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Joseph Cannon

Joseph Cannon spent his career working for the Church Commissioners for England (from 1987 until his retirement in 2019) and was their head of real estate investment from 2008. In this role he was responsible for the management of an investment portfolio comprising real assets valued at approximately £2.4 billion as at the end of 2018. The unlevered annualised total return from these investments for the decade ending 2018 exceeded 10% per annum.

The portfolio comprised directly-held commercial, residential and rural properties in the UK, as well as a national strategic land bank and minerals reserve, and globally-held commercial forestry and infrastructure. Additionally, the Commissioners invested in a number of listed and non-listed property vehicles, on a global basis, as well as direct co-investments.

Real assets comprised approximately one-third of the total funds under management, and played a significant role in contributing towards the cost of clergy pensions and providing selective financial support for the Church of England. In doing so, Mr Cannon gained a depth of experience in managing a sizeable and diverse set of real estate portfolios, in line with the Church’s responsible and sustainable investment policies. He also had a strong track record of reporting to, and working with, the Church Commissioners’ senior trustees and investment committees. 

Mr Cannon is a Bachelor of Divinity of King's College, London and was a Chartered Surveyor while working for the Commissioners.